
Mirror Mirror Image is composed of two divisions - Photography and Jewelry Design.

To some, it may seem disconnected - and not a cohesive 'brand'.

The connection between the two divisions is simply that the company was started solely as a 'Photographic Jewelry' manufacturer (and by manufacturer - I mean me.  I am a 'one-woman' show).

In 2002, my mother passed unexpectedly.  My life long friend gave me a beautiful pendant - which adorned an image of my mother at the age of three.  The pendant was unique, as it was not a photograph behind glass.  The image was actually printed onto the metal, preserving it literally forever - rather that altering an old, irreplaceable photograph by cutting it to size.

From that moment, the 'floating light bulb above my head' clicked on!  What a FANTASTIC, personalized gift that I could create for anyone!

After research along with trial and error - all while living my crazy life - juggling a full time job as well as being a mommy and an wife - Mirror Mirror Image 'came to life' officially in 2010.

The Jewelry Line has expanded to more than 'Photographic' items over the years.
*** I actually expand more within the Jewelry Page if you are interested!***

The Photography portion of the business has actually outgrown the Jewelry Division!

I enjoy both equally!  I am a visual person PERIOD, so composition is a MUST!

Having an outlet to create a 'hands on' product relieves the DESIGN passion that overflows within me too!  As an artist - you cannot simply 'turn off your brain'.  EVERYTHING - and I do mean every LITTLE thing in life INSPIRES you.  While some days can be exhausting - it TRULY is rewarding!