Aluminum is the medium of choice for several reasons.
1. Aluminum is nickel free.
2. Aluminum is easy to work with and is extremely durable.
3. Aluminum does not RUST. Over time it may develop some corrosion if not properly stored or cared for - but only in extreme cases.
Our process allows us to create beautiful, vibrant pieces of jewelry adorned with color and exquisite embellishments. Each piece is a 'one of a kind' piece of art. I typically do not duplicate pieces unless they become a highly requested item. At that point I will make the decision to manufacture a limited number of that particular item.
All pieces are adjustable to various wrist sizes. There is a standard pattern, only varying in width.
Larger sizes are available upon request and are made to order.
Women are STRONG. Women are DURABLE in tough situations. Women are TOUGHER than they sometimes realize.
The name Mirror Mirror (Image was added later) actually 'came to be' as we both stood in our hotel lobby waiting on our elevator in Kansas City on a business trip. We always - literally always - finish each other's sentences (super crazy - almost like we are twins). We both commented about the unusual metal finish of the elevator and said at the exact time 'Mirror Mirror on the Wall'... and laughed hysterically. She and I are Mirror Images of each other - even to this day.
To this day, she and I still work and collaborate together. My business is subsequently named Mirror Mirror Image. She (and my father) also create and manufacture jewelry out of 'diamond plate' Aluminum.
Hey Nikki, My name is Dale Price. I lived in Anderson, SC for several years (until around 2014). Over the years there I purchased quit a few items of yours. At one point i had purchased the can koozies with clemson , carolina and just plain ones. was wondering if you still make those or know where i might purchase some. would need several dozen. please email me with info. ( I believe I got koozies from Darlene and Charles when Grizzley was alive). Thank you for your time.